Your guide to environmentally conscious paints & coatings.
The components and ingredients of paints and coatings can drastically influence both environmental health and human wellbeing. When you're searching for environmentally friendly options, it's crucial to understand these impacts. Here's what you need to know to make a more informed, eco-conscious choice when selecting paints and coatings for your home.
When selecting paints and coatings for your home, it is important to consider the environmental impact they could have. Paints and coatings are made up of three components; pigment, binder and solvent. If these solvents are organic-based rather than water-based, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be released in the environment.
Furthermore, paints and coatings can also contain an array of additives, such as biocides, which are used to inhibit the growth of bacteria or fungus in the paint can or on the painted surface. Each of these components, through various stages of the paint's life cycle, can considerably affect the environment.
Consider the solvent as the transporter within the paint. This component dissipates as the paint settles and dries on the surface. Paints that use organic solvents instead of a water base have the potential to emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the ambient air. It's worth noting that solvent-based paints typically contain approximately 50 percent more embodied energy.
VOCs, or Volatile Organic Compounds, have been identified as significant contributors to the decline of indoor air quality and can pose serious health risks to inhabitants. These compounds are released from various sources, including certain paints and coatings, and their minimization is an effective strategy for achieving potential Green Star credits.
The impact of VOCs on human health can range from short-term discomfort to long-term health effects. For instance, exposure to these compounds often triggers headaches, causes irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, and can result in damage to key body systems such as the liver, kidneys, and the central nervous system. More severe consequences include a loss of coordination, which is particularly concerning for environments with elderly residents or children.
Moreover, VOCs have been suspected to cause cancer in humans, adding another layer of potential risk from exposure. On top of individual health concerns, VOCs have also been linked to “sick building syndrome,” a term used to describe a situation where occupants experience acute health or comfort issues linked to time spent in a building. These are compelling reasons to consider the VOC content when selecting paints and coatings for your home.
Pigments, which are crucial to the color, opacity, and protective barrier properties of paint, can also have a significant environmental impact. A common pigment used in the paint industry is titanium dioxide. However, its environmental footprint is largely associated with its production, not its application.
The manufacturing process of titanium dioxide is energy-intensive, consuming a considerable amount of resources. Additionally, this process also results in air and water emissions that can pose potential environmental challenges. Hence, when choosing paint, one must also consider the environmental consequences tied to the production of its pigments.
Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) certification is a reliable way to ensure that the paints and coatings you're selecting are environmentally friendly and safer for residents. GECA-certified paints and coatings, both for interior and exterior applications, are carefully formulated to exclude carcinogenic or mutagenic chemicals, making them a safer choice for homeowners.
GECA places stringent restrictions on the quantity of titanium dioxide used in paints and coatings, given its energy-intensive production and potential environmental impact. This conscious and considered decision-making process contributes towards a smaller environmental footprint.
One of the fundamental principles of GECA certification is prioritizing water-based paints with low VOC content. By doing so, these products significantly diminish the emission of volatile organic compounds, leading to improved indoor air quality. This feature makes GECA-certified paints and coatings compliant with the VOC credit under the Indoor Environment Quality category of the Green Star rating system.
In addition, the well-respected WELL Building Standard, a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and well-being, has acknowledged GECA's standard for its low VOC reduction criterion. This recognition further underscores the validity and importance of choosing GECA-certified paints and coatings for your home.
For additional details on certified paints and coatings, feel free to explore GECA's Paints and Coatings page.
Choosing environmentally conscious paints and coatings for your next project isn't just a choice, it's an obligation to our planet and our health. By considering the environmental impact of these materials, you're actively contributing to a more sustainable future. The decision to use low VOC, GECA-certified paints and coatings not only enhances the indoor air quality of your home, but also safeguards the health of its inhabitants by minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals.
It's crucial to remember that the impact of our choices extends beyond our homes. The production, application, and disposal of paints and coatings have significant environmental implications. By selecting eco-friendly options, we're reducing the demand for products that use energy-intensive processes and emit harmful substances during production.
Finally, opting for environmentally conscious paints and coatings is a testament to our commitment to the well-being of our planet. It sends a powerful message about the importance of sustainable practices in our daily lives. In an era where the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly evident, every effort to reduce our environmental footprint counts. This is more than just a home improvement project; it's a step towards creating a better, more sustainable world.
Remember, making the right choice for your project is not just about aesthetics or durability, but also about responsibility. Your home is your sanctuary, and safeguarding it with eco-friendly choices is a crucial part of preserving our shared environment. So next time you're planning a project, make the environment a key consideration – choose GECA-certified paints and coatings for a healthier, greener future.